
News & Insights

Understanding market sentiment in the built environment

Insights on what matters most

Uncover actionable insights from our latest Built Environment Sentiment Report.

Director appointments at Holistic Group

Senior promotions announced

We are delighted to announce three strategic promotions at Holistic Group. Nicola Hanser, Lisa Northcott and Kim Taylor have all been promoted...

Survey for YEP highlights real estate's image problem

Holistic Insight was asked to support YEP's involvement at UKREiiF by undertaking a survey focused on perceptions about working in the built...

New appointment

Suzie Aksun joins Holistic Insight

In a strategic move to bolster its team, Holistic Insight is pleased to announce the appointment of Suzie Aksun as Senior Consultant.

Turning negative feedback into positive action

Unearthing actionable insights

You care about your business. The people most important to your company – clients, industry partners and employees – are at the...

Introducing Holistic Insight

Our new look

As the founder and managing director of Holistic Insight, and on behalf of our talented team, I am delighted to share our...

Asking the right questions

Why are you doing it and what do you want to learn?

When starting any survey, whether it’s with employees, clients, co-consultants or your partners and supply chain, the first step is to identify...

Employee engagement score

An important part of any survey

Engaged employees are happier and more productive. The businesses they work for are more successful and profitable as a result.

Gathering client feedback

When and how often?

In our experience, most established SME businesses seek client feedback every 2-3 years. They want enough meaningful feedback on which to act,...

Less isn’t always more

How to segment your survey

Gathering feedback is a science – it needs as many variables as possible to deliver the insight that can add real value...

Employee surveys and GDPR

Two things to keep in mind

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union and...

Client surveys and ISO 9001

Meeting customer and regulatory requirements

ISO 9001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organisations use the standard to demonstrate the...

What is a net promoter score?

Identifying potential for growth

A Net Promoter Score, or NPS, is a measure of your clients or customers’ overall perception and satisfaction level with your business....

98% of clients will willingly give feedback

Clients are more receptive than you think...

Here at Holistic Insight, we undertake telephone interviews with clients every day. There is often a perception that clients won’t engage and...

Understanding employee engagement

Employee engagement has never been more important

Employee engagement has never been more important. Supporting their health and wellbeing is now a top priority. The only way to understand...

Face-to-face, telephone or email?

Here are five things to consider

When choosing how to engage and gather feedback, here are five things to consider. They will ensure you get the best value...