Unearth the full story.
Holistic Insight is a leading market research firm that specialises in business-to-business markets, with particular expertise in the built environment. We help businesses understand their key stakeholders, gathering insight that unlocks competitive advantage, strong relationships and business success.
Our dedicated team of senior researchers delve deep to gather the intelligence and true perception that can help you thrive.
What we do
Market research
Market and client feedback
Our market research involves conversations with the stakeholders that matter most to your business. We interview clients and influencers to uncover the insights that will benefit your business. For us, insight is not just about data analysis and measurement, but how people feel and what they value.
Employee surveys
Employee engagement, wellbeing and EDI surveys
Employee feedback is gathered using online surveys, supplemented by interviews or focus groups if required. We provide the benefit of third-party independence and impartiality which illicit more open and honest feedback.
Company-wide analysis
360 degree review
Combining market surveys with an employee engagement process and, depending on your business, supply chain feedback provides a holistic view of your business performance. It unearths strengths to safeguard, areas to improve and opportunities to harness.
Testing investments
Client referencing for M&A
Whether you are undergoing a merger or acquisition, we tailor surveys to undertake the necessary client referencing to inform your investment.
Compelling content
Research and thought leadership
Using market and desk research, we create compelling content to enhance your marketing and brand - reports, white papers, polls and thought leadership that sets you apart.
Insight for effective communications
Communications strategy
Holistic Insight is part of the Holistic Group, with a sister business that provides strategic communications for the built environment. As an additional service, for clients in this sector, we use the insights we unearth to develop a communications strategy to help you stand out.
News & Insights
Survey for YEP highlights real estate's image problem
Holistic Insight was asked to support YEP's involvement at UKREiiF by undertaking a survey focused on perceptions about working in the built...
Introducing Holistic Insight
Our new look
As the founder and managing director of Holistic Insight, and on behalf of our talented team, I am delighted to share our...
Director appointments at Holistic Group
Senior promotions announced
We are delighted to announce three strategic promotions at Holistic Group. Nicola Hanser, Lisa Northcott and Kim Taylor have all been promoted...
Turning negative feedback into positive action
Unearthing actionable insights
You care about your business. The people most important to your company – clients, industry partners and employees – are at the...